Origin and Gradual development of paper as writing materials.
The word paper is devised from papyrus, however it is only one of the predecessors of paper were mostly made from the inner bank of papyrus tree. The history of paper making is one of the inventions by Chinese, 105 A.D is often cited as the year which paper making was invented. In that year historical records show that the invention of paper was reported to eastern Han Emperor. Ho-di by Ts ai Lun, an official of the imperial count.
Paper history of china:
Traditional Chinese records give the credit of paper development to Ts ai Lin, an official of the Chinese imperial count in 105 A.D.
Macro Polo gives one of the first descriptions of Chinese paper making in his million. He mentions that the Chinese emperors Jealouly guard the secrets of paper making.
Ts ai Lun’s paper was made from rags, used fishing nets, hemp, and tree bank and china grass. The invention of paper was so important to china that the emperor made ts ai Lun a noble.
Out of china:
It wasn’t until 3rd century that the secret art paper making began to creep out of china, first to Vietnam and Tibet. It was introduced in Korea in the 4th century and spared to japan in 5th century.
Paper in Arab world:
The chines lost the battle in Turkestan on the banks of the Tharaz River. The legend goes that the secret of paper making was obtaining from several prisoners were skilled in paper making captured by the Arabs.
The prisoners here taken to Samarkand and offered freedom in exchange of their knowledge. The Arabs waste noting in improving paper making techniques they were probably the first to make paper from inker. In 790 a paper machine was established in Bagdad, which reported to produce very nice paper. The paper making technology gradually spread through out the middle east to north African Egypt by 900 A.D. and in morocco around 1100 A.D.
Paper in European countries:
The Muslims conquest the Spain and brought paper making technology in Europe. The first paper mill on the European continent was in Catalonia. Both span and Italy claim to be the first to manufacture paper in Europe paper making then began to gradually spread across Christian Europe paper traveled to Italy and a mill was established at Fabian in 1276.
In 1453 Johann-Gutenberg invented the printing press of Spain. It changed the history of the European printing technology. At first this paper was called ‘Cloth parchment’
Paper in Asia:
After its origin in central china the production and use of paper spread gradually . It is clear that paper eas used at Dunhuang by A.D. in Loulan by A.D. 200 and in Turpan by 399 A. D. paper was introduced in japan sometimes between the years 280 and 260 A.D
Paper spread to vietnam in the 3rd century.
Paper spread to Korea in the 4th century
paper spread to Japan in the 5th century.
paper spread to India in the 7th century. However the use of paper was not widespread there until the 12th century.
Paper in Indian subcontinent:
Paper received a new post in India at the hands of the Muslim rules a Muslim ruler of Kashmir first introduces with paper sometime between 1420 and 1470.
The first paper mill was established at nausera. Indian first machine made paper was manufactured in 1812.
Paper in other countries: The first paper mill in England was set up in Herefordshire in 1491 A.D.
In Australia by 1498 A.D, in Russia by 1576. The first paper industry in the north America was built in Philadelphia in 1690.
Paper in modern world: In the beginning of 19th century pulping wood was thought instead in pulping rags. By mid 19th century a machine was invented. Which extracted the fibers from wood and made paper form it? At the same time Charles Fererly bleached the pulp that makes the paper write. This started a new era of paper making with the introduction of cheaper paper, school’s book, fiction, non-fiction and newspaper become gradually available by 1900.
Paper was first invented in china to need of defense communication materials. Then learn to make paper Muslims form Chinese’s. After then day by day its importance was increased and takes a permanent palace in modern life in the area of writing communication and the dissemination of information, now useful of paper doesn’t end to say.