Sources of information
An information source is a person, thing, or place from which information comes, arises, or is obtained.That source might then inform a person about something or provide knowledge about it. Literature of a Subject is its Foundation. It represents a record of achievements of human race. Literature is diverse, Complex and multilingual in nature. It is becoming more and more interdisciplinary. Information Sources would include primarily books, periodicals and newspapers. However, the number and forms of source are continuously increasing.
What is source- Source means the origin of something?
What is Information Source:
An Information Source is a source of information for somebody, i.e. anything that might informs a person about something on provide knowledge to somebody. Information sources may be observations, people speeches, documents, pictures, organizations etc.
Etymology of sources:
Latin Old French Old French
to rise last middle English
last Middle English: from Old French sours(e ), past participle of sourdre ‘to rise’, from Latin surgere.
We may recognize the following kinds of sources of information sources of information.
Sources of information
* Documentary *Non documentary
1. Primary 1. Formal
2. Secondary 2. Informal
3. Tertiary
Primary sources:
Primary sources of information are the first published records of original research and development or description of new application or new interpretation or an old theme or idea. These are original document representing unfiltered original ideas. These constitute the latest ideas available information. Primary sources of information are published in a variety of forms. These are:- journal article, Research Monographs, Research Reports, Patents, Standards, Thesis, Industrial and trade literature, Manuscripts etc. Some of there may be unpublished.
Unpublished Sources:- Memoranda, Laboratory notebooks, Diaries, Company Files, Portraits, State Papers
Secondary sources:
Secondary sources of information are those which are either compiled from or refer to primary sources of information. These contain information regarding primary or original information. The original information having been any usually modified selected or reorganized so as to research a definite purpose or group of user.
These are:- Periodicals, indexes, bibliographic, reviews, abstract dictionaries, encyclopedias, commentaries, criticisms, Histories, Magazine and newspaper articles etc.
Tertiary sources:
Tertiary sources of information contain information distilled and collected from primary and secondary sources. The primary function of tertiary sources is to aid the searcher of information in the use of primary and secondary sources of information. Most of these sources do not contain Subject knowledge. Due to increase in Literature, Tertiary sources are becoming increasingly important.
These are:-Directories, Bibliographies, Location list of periodicals, List of Indexing and abstracting services, Guides, List of Research in progress, Guide to professional organizations
Non-documentary sources-
Non documentary sources of information form a substantial part of communication especially in science and technology. These sources provide information which other sources do not.
Types-There is two kinds of sources:-
(1)Formal Sources: -Research Organization,
-Govt. department
(2) Informal Sources -Conversation with colleges,
- Visitors,
- Attendance at Professional Meetings etc.
The above categorization is based on the characteristics of the documents. Primary sources are more current and accurate than secondary and tertiary. In searching for Information, a researcher usually starts with secondary and tertiary sources and ends the search with primary sources. Secondary and tertiary sources contain information in organized form and these serve as guides or indicators to detailed contents of primary literature. With increasing amount of literature being produced, it is becoming almost impossible to use primary sources directly for searching of information. A scholar would also not be able to keep himself up to date and well informed in his field of specialization without the aid of secondary and tertiary sources. This goes to show the importance of there sources of information.
Reference book : 1. Reference service by Krishan Kumar.
2.Reference service and sources of information by Jagadish Sharma 3.Internet
Written by NureAlom Niloy