Describe different component of ICT and show their application in library

Describe different component of ICT and show their application in library


The concept of ICT has brought phenomenal change in the information collection, preservation and dissemination. The emergence of IT or ICT is one of the wonderful gifts of modern science and technology which has brought tremendous changes in library and information center. Application of ICT to library and information work has revolutionized the traditional concept of libraries from a store house of books to an intellectual information center.
Component of  ICT:   There are many component of ICT which are broadly used in libraries. Such as,
1. Computer technology:
*Mini computer
*Artificial technology
2. Software technology
* Library software-KOHA
*Digital library software-Greenstone Digital library
3. Communication technology
4. Reproduction technology such as printing technology
5. Storage devices and Flash drive
6. CD-ROM Technology

7.       Audio visual technology
8. Reprographic Technology
9. Printing Technology
10. E-book technology etc.

Use of ICT in library:
Information and Communication Technology (ICT) has transformed library services globally. ICT has contributed immensely to the performance of librarians in the discharge of their duties such as in cataloguing, reference services, circulation management, serials control etc. ICT has contributed to the library in the following specific ways.
Library management  software
Libraries utilize software’s designed to manage different library routines and processes. Most of these softwares are integrated and have modules for the different activities or tasks carried out in the library like cataloguing, statistics, acquisition processes, serials control etc. Some examples of such softwares  are CDS/ISIS, GLAS, ALICE for Windows, X-Lib and SLAM etc.
This means Online Public Access Catalogueand is the computerized version of the library catalogue or a database of the library holdings. The advantage of the OPAC over manual methods is ease of use and the fact that it saves space. It provides access to the catalogues of a library on the local intranet, extranet or even the internet.
Office Operations:
Word processing, accounting, database management and communication through e-mail are all enabled in the library through ICT.
Library users can access information of various types such as online databases, e-journals, e-books, government publications digitally through networked systems.
Electronic Document Delivery:
At present Libraries not rely anymore on postal services to send documents to users or carry out interlibrary lending. Libraries send documents through electronic networks that can deliver documents in various formats e.g PDF, JPG, GIF etc.
Online user education or tutorials:Libraries can use the internet or CD-ROMS to educate their users or carry out information literacy programmes. Virtual tours can be offered online making user education more convenient for all.
E-reference services:
Some services such as SDI (Selective dissemination of information) or Current Awareness Services (CAS) and virtual reference desks, announcements of new acquisitions and other reader advisory services can be made easier through the internet.
Library cooperation and resource sharing:
A central union catalogue can be better managed through ICT, thus libraries can create and share bibliographic records and other information resources in digital format.
Institutional Repositories:
Institutional repositories are publications that originate locally from within the university community such as thesis, dissertations, reports, conference papers and seminar papers. ICT has made it possible not only to provide better access to these resources but also to ensure the preservation of the resources.
Digital libraries depend on information recorded on digital formats like CD-ROMS. Virtual libraries are libraries that do not exist in physical space or structure but can be accessed via networks. E.g. The Nigerian Virtual Library.
Social Media Networks:
Social media networks like twitter, Facebook and linked In are some interactive internet services that are presently serving as communication forum for librarians and their uses. These networks can be deployed for educational uses. Discussion groups, list serves and communities also assist library services.
This is a great medium of communication between the library and the users. Through e-mail used can send mail to staff and can get feedback.
Library websites:
Websites are other mediums of communication for libraries to their users. It is also used to promote the library and publicize it.
Online searching:
Searching of online databases like AGORA, ERIC. Browsing and surfing the internet through search engines, Meta search engines and subject directories to supplement library sources
Information technology has changed the world and has become one important tool for retrieving information new days. Library collections are not only limited to printed documents but also electronic resources increases by their use and therefore it is important to develop digital library. People realized the importance of ICT based libraries no matter what their feelings towards them were before. Innovative information knowledge collection, storage, process, transfer methodologies made possible by ICT based libraries will promote scientific research and development,facilitate distant-learning environment, and bring significant influence on the national economy.

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