Record keeping system and activity of Record Manager

আমি যেভাবে রেকর্ড ম্যানেজারের অ্যাক্টিভিটিগুলো মনে রাখতাম…
Record Manager Record protection করতে Council, advise, assist করার পাশাপাশিRepresent/Company Representative হিসেবে যোগদান করেEffective Way তে রেকর্ডRegister, processing, check, survey করতে Retention Schedule তৈরি করবেন| এইSupervision দায়িত্ব পালনের জন্যNeeds Requirement হলোArchivist হিসেবে সেবা দেওয়া
Record keeping system and activity of Record Manager
Introduction: Records are valuable assets of organizations.  Good records management not only helps protect records but also enhances organizations’ operational efficiency. Records   management   is   important   because   it   supports   an organization to - make decisions based on evidence; meet operational, legal and regulatory requirements; be open and accountable; enhance operational efficiency and effectiveness; and maintain organization or collective memory.
Record keeping Systems:
A record keeping system is the tool to manage records. It is a manual or automated information system having the necessary functionality that enables it to carry out and support the various records management processes such as collection, organization and classification of records to facilitate their retrieval, distribution, use, disposal or preservation. When designing and implementing a record keeping system, an organization should ensure that it can meet the organization's records management policy requirements, practices, guidelines and procedures. The figure below shows the generic functionality of record keeping systems to support the various records manager processes.

To serve its purpose, a record keeping system should have the following characteristics -
1.      Reliability: It should be capable of continuous and regular operation in accordance with established guidelines and procedures;
2.      Authenticity  -  an authentic record is one that can be proven  
(i)   to be what it purports to be;  
(ii)  to have been created or sent by the person purported to have created or sent it; and  
(iii)to have been created or sent at the time purported;
3.      Integrity: Access and security measures should be in place to prevent unauthorized access, destruction, alteration or removal of records;
4.      Compliance: It should be managed to comply with all requirements arising from the legal and regulatory environment and business, and expectations in which the organization operates;
5.      Comprehensiveness: It should be able to manage records in any formats captured from different activities and transactions of the organization; and
6.      Systematic: It should be able to capture, maintain and manage records systematically.
7.      Usability- a usable  record is one that can be located, retrieved, presented and interpreted.  It  should be capable of subsequent presentation as directly connected to the business activity or transaction that produced it.

The activities or function of record Manager:
1.      Needs and requirements: In Accordance with governmental and legal requirements, records administer or manager has to assure the development work programme.
2.      Record protection: To protect all the materials, the data, media and system are used in the record protection area.
3.      Publish and maintain: Under publication program record manager publishes record management manual to be used organization wise by all personnel assigned to work.
4.      Council, advice and assist: For establishing and operating of record management programme successfully record manager perform good assist, advice and council.
5.      Supervision: For all personnel function a record manager has to stick for all the programmes.
6.      Serves as archivist: To serve as organization archivist a record manager performs all the function for recode making and record storing process in any organization.
7.      Effective in use: To standardize and common use a record manager has to serious in business form to the economics and in procurement and effectiveness in use.
8.      Orientation of Function: This Function includes participates as a representative in company activities, gathers experience in record management activities. 
9.      Participate in represent: A record manager participates as a represented in company activities, gathers experience in record management activities.
10.  Serve as company representative: Under the direction of corporate legal council, a record manager represents and serves as a company representative.
11.  Proper use and application: To proper use and application of all teleological application a record manager has to manage record with proper care.
12.  Survey the materials: The most important job of a record manager is to find out what records are being by his/her employing organization and what systems are being used for their development.
13.  Registers of classes: The essential outcome of a record manager is to survey the established register of record classes. This is a basic management tool for the record management programme and it has a long term value.
14.  Make a retention schedule: A record manager has to make a retention schedule for an analytical list of records series, (arranged either under functions or the structural headings of a departmental organization plan.
15.  Checking records: A record manager must kept current and valuable records in most convenient to their main users. His/her principle function is to see that record which have passed out or regularly retired from the current system and preserve these in a suitable place.
16.  Processing record materials: A record manager should take physical care of the record center. Boxes are given random shelf locations which are keyed for finding aids, This method is obviously convenient and save space and in addition it adds to the security of the records.
Records management is an important function of an organization.   We  believe  that  good  and  proper  record keeping  is  evidence  of  a well-governed organization and should be seen as an integral  part of, rather  than  incidental  to,  any  business. In  terms  of  strengthening corporate governance and promoting good management practices, we see definite  merits  of  sharing  good  records  management  practices  and procedures with government-owned or funded statutory bodies.

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