Define Biographical source, Discuss about evaluation, characteristic, strategy of finding international biographical sources and give description of three international biographical sources.


Define Biographical source, Discuss about evaluation, characteristic, strategy of finding international biographical sources and give description of three international biographical sources.


The people have great interest in the lives of eminent persons. They want to get information about them. Biographical sources tell us about the dates of birth and death, education, positions held, family life, achievements and contributions, addresses, etc. of various persons. The amount of information varies from one biographical source to another.


Definition of Biographical sources:

According to Oxford English Dictionary, a biography is the history of the lives of individual men.
Louis Shores has defined biographical dictionary as "essentially a directory of notable persons, usually arranged alphabetically by surnames with biographical identifications that range from brief outline to extended narrative".

Evaluation of biographical sources:
The general criteria for evaluation of reference books are applicable to the evaluation of biographical sources, i.e., authority, scope, treatment, arrangement, format and special features.


The reputation of publishers, editors and sponsors is extremely important. It must be checked carefully before a new publication in the field is accepted as useful and worth-acquiring. A good biographical dictionary should contain the biographies of eminent persons with precise statements of facts and a condensed account.


Biographical reference tools divided into four main groups, namely,
(1) International
(2) National
(3) Specialized or subject and,
(4) Bio-bibliography.
The area of coverage is to be seen whether it is local, national or international, or limited to certain subject or profession. Is it comprehensive or selective, current or retrospective?


Material is generally arranged alphabetically by surname but may also be classified by subject or profession or arranged chronologically by period, birth dates or events.


The physical get up of the book is also to be judged.
Are the headings and sub-headings in a bold type and clearly understood?
Are the type-faces clear and legible?
Is the binding strong and durable?
Is the quality of paper good?


(i) An international biographical dictionary  may usually lay more emphasis on covering nationals of the country in which it is published.
(ii) A national biographical dictionary is provide more information than an international dictionary.
(ii) A special biographical dictionary is provide more information than a general source.
(iv)Books on state or district or local history usually provide more information about prominent persons than national biographical dictionaries.
(v) Newspaper and periodical indexes are excellent sources for obituaries, significant achievements, opinions and views held about notable persons.
(vii) It is usually more difficult to locate the biography of a non-writer than a writer.

Strategy for finding biographical information.

Before proceeding to search for information in biographical sources, find out the answers to the questions given below:
1. To which country does the person belong?
2. Is he alive or dead?
3. Was he an international or national or a local figure?
4. How much information is required?
5. Is the requirement for bare facts or detailed information and evaluation?

On the basis of answers to questions in proceed as below:

If the nationality is known, then consult the national biographical sources. In case, the nationality is unknown, consult international biographical sources. In case, it is known that the person is not alive, then a retrospective sources must be consulted first otherwise consult a current source first. In case, the profession of a person is known, then first preference should be given to biographical sources for his profession. In order to verify a bibliographical data, it is better to compare a number of sources. As pointed out earlier, we can use a variety of sources to search biographical information.

Webster's Biographical Dictionary Revised edition, Spring-field, Massachusetts, G and C Merriam Co., 1974
This biographical dictionary contains brief biographical sketches of about 40.000 noteworthy persons from all periods of time and different countries of the world in a single handy volume. It covers both living and dead. Most of the biographical sketches are of the Americans, with a few Englishmen and few persons from the rest of the world.
The names of persons prominent in sports, in motion pictures, in contemporary theater and in radio have been curtailed as these would be available in other specialized works. For each person, it provides full name of person, pronunciation, nationality, birth and death dates, nationality, occupation or equivalent descriptive detail, education, career, achievements, publications, etc.
The arrangement is alphabetical. However, basic problem with this work! Is that it has undergone only slight revision since 1942. While useful for retrospective listings, it is less trustworthy for current personages.

International Who's Who London, Europa Publications Ltd., 1935 - Annual
It contains about 12000 to 15000 brief biographies of standing men and women of our time. The range is wide and outtakes in those who are prominent in international affairs government, administration, diplomacy, science, medicine, law.
The arrangement is alphabetical. In the beginning, there is a list of abbreviations, a section of names of reigning Royal families in alphabetical order, obituary giving list of persons whose deaths have been noted since the preparation of the previous edition.
A valuable source for persons from countries which do not have a national biographical dictionary of Who's Who type.


A librarian should give a 'careful thought before selecting a biographical dictionary for purchase. One should try to determine the reputation of compilers, editors and publisher, study the reviews and if possible examine the work itself to find out its value. A librarian should know that many of the biographical dictionaries are of dubious value because often these are sponsored by unscrupulous persons, who extract money from individuals for including their biographical sketches.

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