What is Dictionary? The uses, purpose, kinds and evaluation of Dictionary
The use of the term “dictionary” in a title is sometimes misused. The work may be encyclopaedic in nature because it may give information about the thing as well as the words. Similarly, sometimes the term “encyclopaedia” in a title may be used for a work, which may be nothing but a subject dictionary. Modern large dictionaries called unabridged dictionaries are encyclopedic in nature, providing information about the thing and the word.
Origin the word dictionary:
Dictionary is well known form of reference work. The word 'dictionary' is derived from the medieval Latin word ‘dictionarium' originating from the term 'dictio' which means word. Therefore, primarily it deals with the words.
Definition of Dictionary:
A dictionary generally deals with the collection of general words either of a language or of special terms of a particular subject. It usually defines terms and gives their alternate meaning, usage, etc.
According to Wisegeek ‘’A dictionary is a reference book that
focuses on defining words and phrases, including multiple meanings.
The most frequently used dictionary is a language dictionary that includes the majority of frequently used words in a language.’’
The dictionary serves a very useful purpose. Every library must have reasonable collection of dictionaries. These are frequently consulted by the users. The following are the main uses :
(i) To find the meanings of words and terms.
(ii) To check the pronunciation and verify spellings and syllabication of word.
(iii) To trace the origin, derivation and history of a word.
(iv) To indicate the dialect and correct usage of a word.
(v) To determine abbreviations, acronyms, signs, symbols, synonyms, antonyms and homonyms, etc. Some dictionaries provide illustrated examples, and quotations. In order to have the best use of a dictionary, one should read its introduction for its use.
From the earliest times the dictionaries were compiled for the purpose of giving meanings of the words of one Language to the words of another. Purpose of dictionary is flows:
(i) To set authoritative standards for spelling, pronunciation, meaning and usage.
(ii) To record the worlds of a language with all their spellings, pronunciations, meanings and uses. The dictionaries compiled with the first purpose are known as ‘prescriptive’. They contain only the standard and approved words worthy of use.
Kinds of dictionary:
(i) Glossary: A list of difficult terms along with their explanations in a particular field.
(ii) Lexicon: A dictionary of a foreign language, especially of Greek, Hebrew, Arabic, etc.
(iii) The sources: It means a treasury of words.
(iv) Concordance: This is an alphabetical index of principal words in the Bible, or works of an author showing location in the text with immediate contexts.
Beside these there are two kinds of dictionary. Such as-
1. General Language Dictionaries
2. Special Dictionaries
General Dictionary:
They are names so as they deal with the common words of a language. They are most popular and readily used dictionaries and may be classified into three groups according to the purpose, size, volume and user’s age. The general dictionaries are of two types:
(a) Academic or normative dictionary,
(b) Referential or overall descriptive dictionary.
(a) Academic or normative dictionary,
(b) Referential or overall descriptive dictionary.
Example : Funk and Wangalls new standard dictionary of the English language, New York, Funk and Wagnalls, 1964.
Special Dictionaries
The dictionaries, which are compiled for a special purpose of aspects of a language, are called special dictionaries. Most of these aspects of words, which are separately dealt with in special dictionaries, are also covered in general dictionaries. Such as- Dictionary of Punctuation, Dictionary of Pronunciation, etc.
Example : ALA glossary of library and information science, edited by Heartstill Young, Chicago, American Library Association, 1983.
Criteria for Evaluation
One should not expect any dictionary to be perfect. Language is always developing because of the addition of new words and sometimes the changes in the meanings of older words. The check list for the purpose of evaluation of a dictionary should be based on the following points:
The authoritativeness of a work can be judged by the reputation of the author’s, editor’s, contributors, sponsors and the publishers. Often, the name of a particular author/editor or publisher is a guarantee for a reliable work.
Vocabulary size is an indication of dictionary's scope. It should be kept up-to-date through continuous revision. "To evaluate the scope of a dictionary, some of the criteria to consider are the size of the vocabulary, the basis for word selection, up-to-dates and supplementary materials. Vocabulary should be considered in terms of the period of the language covered and the number of words
The physical get-up of the book should be judged from various points such as:
Is the work a single volume or a multi-volume?
Is the binding strong and durable?
Are the type faces clear and legible?
Is the paper of good quality?
Are the headings clear and easy to follow?
Are the illustrations of standard quality?
Conclusion: Conclusion should provide overall judgment about the concerned dictionary, Is the work to be recommended for a library or not? If so, specify the kind of library (small, large, medium, special, public and academic).