Data vs Information Advance Comparison

Data vs Information Advance Comparison.
Data :
Any observation collected in respect of any
characteristic or event is called data.
Information: knowledge, intelligence, a particular piece of data with a special meaning or function.
It origin dates back to the 1600s
Its origin dates back to the 1300s
Data is a plural of datum, which is originally a latin noun meaning ‘’something given.’’
The term information discovered from the Latin word ‘informare’, which refers to ‘give form to’.
Data means raw facts gathered about someone or something, which is bare and random.
Facts, concerning a particular event or subject, which are refined by processing is called information.
Data is mix-up things.

"Information is interpreted data"

• Raw data carry/convey little meaning, when it is considered alone.

Information carry/convey broad meaning.
Data is meaningless
Information is meaningful
Data must be interpreted, by a human or
machine, to derive meaning.
Information not needs to interpret.
Types of Data
Quantitative data (numerical)
Qualitative data (descriptive)
Types of Information:
Instructions, Command, Advisory etc.
Raw, unevaluated facts
and figures

Meaningful and useful
for decision making


Does not depend on information.

Without data, information cannot be processed.

Data is based on observations and records,
which are stored in computers or simply
remembered by a person
As against this, information is considered more reliable than data, as a proper analysis is conducted to
convert data into information by the researcher or investigator.

Data is not always specific to the need of the
but information is always specific
to his requirements and expectations,
because all the irrelevant facts and figures
are eliminated, during the transformation of
data into information
Data by itself alone is not significant
Information is significant by itself

n e e s b u s i
Example of Information- business

In simple terms, data is unorganized information and information is processed data. These two terms are so closely intertwined that it is quite common for people to juxtapose them. In the technical glossary, data means input, used to generate output, i.e. information.

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