IT and ICT a Comparison Discussion


IT and ICT a Comparison Discussion.

 It can be said that IT and ICT are essentially the same thing. Modern communication technologies are mostly digital systems anyway. The technology industry has a history of using the longest acronyms possible and ICT is perhaps an extension of this tendency.                                                                                                              
Definition of ICT
ICT is a technology required for information processing, in particular, the use electronics computers, communication devices and applicationsoftware to convert, store, protect, process, transmit and retrieve information from anywhere, anytime.

ICTs stand for information and communication technologies and are defined, for the purpose of this primer, as a “diverse set of technological tools and resources used to communicate, and to create, disseminate, store, and manage information.”

According to Wikipedia,
Information and communications technology or (ICT) refers to telecommunications, computers as well as necessary enterprise softwaremiddleware, storage, and audio-visual systems, which enable users to access, store, transmit, and manipulate information.

Definition of IT
Information technology (IT) is the use of any computers, storage, networking and other physical devices, infrastructure and processes to create, process, store, secure and exchange all forms of electronic data.
Typically, IT is used in the context of enterprise operations as opposed to personal or entertainment technologies. The commercial use of IT encompasses both computer technology and telephony.

Difference between IT and ICT

IT vs. ICT

IT is the abbreviation for Information Technology, and is used within texts to be concise.
ICT is the abbreviation for Information Communication Technology.
IT refers to the entire information domain, which includes the hardware, software, peripherals, and networking.
The term is used mostly within the academic arena to refer to the branch of IT related to digital devices that are used to communicate or interact with digital information
An item falls under the IT umbrella when it is used for the purposes of storing, protecting, retrieving, and processing data electronically.
ICT is described as using computers and other digital technologies to aid individuals or institutions in handling or using information.
This is a vast field with many different subspecialties, including networking, communications, and software engineering
This term is used to describe a very specific area of IT and is more specific than the general idea of networking.
ICT is mainly used in the academic setup
IT is used in more complex and bigger organizations such as companies and large corporations.

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