What do you mean by communication network or computer network Discuss various types of communication network and wireless network


What do you mean by communication network or computer network Discuss various  types of communication network and wireless network.

Communication networks based on serial data transmission are the platform
of up-to-date automation systems. Whether this is office automation or automation of manufacturing or process plants, the task remains always the same, exchanging data between different devices or participants within a system. Communication networks provide a number of advantages over systems in which a point-to-point line enables only two participants to communicate with each other

• Computer network/Communication network:
• A network is a group of interconnected systems sharing services and interacting by means of a shared communication link.
*A collection of computing devices that are connected in various ways in order to communicate and share resources
• All systems on the physical pathway must follow a set of commoncommunication rules for data to arrive at its intended destination and for the sending and receiving systems to understand each other.
Or, A computer network is a system in which multiple computers are connected to each other to share information and resources.
Classification of Network:
In computer networks, the data is passed in the form of packets. The devices that transmit or receive this data, such as a phone or a computer, are referred to as nodes.
Computer networks can be divided into different ways from different perspectives.
Types of networks according to ownership:
1. Privet Network:
Private networks are usually owned by an organization or authority and usually there is no traffic. Such as-Rajshahi University Network.
2. Public Network:
Private Network are not usually owned by an organization or authority. Such as- Mobile Network, Telephone network.

According to Structure and control Network are 3 kind:
1. (Peer-to-peer network):
A peer-to-peer (P2P) network in which interconnected nodes ("peers") share resources amongst each other without the use of a centralized administrative system.

2.  Client/Server Network: (CSN)
# A computer network in which one centralized, powerful computer (called the server) is a hub to which many less powerful personal computers or workstations (called clients) are connected.
# The clients run programs and access data that are stored on the server Compare peer-to-peer network (Wikipedia)

3. (File Server network): File server Network: (FSN)
#A file server (or fileserver) is a computer attached to a network that provides a location for shared disk access, i.e. shared storage of computer files (such as text, image, sound, video)
#That can be accessed by the workstations that are able to reach the computer that shares the access through a computer network. (Wikipedia)

According to Geographical Coverage Network are 4 kinds: 
PAN(Personal Area Network):
A personal area network, or PAN, is a computer network that enables communication between computer devices near a person.(Wikipedia)
#It is a computer network organized around an individual person.
#It generally consists of a moble computer a cell phone or personal digital assistant. PAN enables the communication among these devices.
Such as-Bluetooth, Infrared etc.

1. Local Area Network (LAN):
A LAN is a group of computer and network communication devices interconnected within a geographically limited area such as a building or campus.
Wi-Fi is the suitable example of LAN.   

LANs are characterized by the following:
# They transfer data at high speed.
#They exist in a limited geographical area.
#Thier technology is generally less expensive.
Metropolitan Area Network (MANs)
# A MAN cover an area of a typical city. They offer a simple and fast way to link different sites of an organization for exchange of information.
MANs are characterized by the following: .
#They use technologies similar to LAN
#It consist of two or more LANs in a common geographic area.
#For example, a bank with multiple branches may utilize a MAN.
#A MAN can be created using wireless bridge technology.
Example : WiMax technology

Wide Area Network (WAN)
• A Wide Area Network (WAN) interconnects LANS. A WAN may be located entirely within a state or country, or it may be interconnected around the world.
WANs are characterized by the following:
#They exist in an unlimited geographical area.
#They are more susceptible to errors due to the distances data travels.
#They interconnect multiple LANS
#They are more sophisticated and complex than LANS
#Their technology is expensive.
#The Internet is the ultimate WANS.

Like the human networks that we are all part of, computer networks let us share information and resources. Computer network broadly use in online communication, software sharing, product promotion, feedback, online journal, video conferencing etc. We cannot think our existence without network.

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