We will know about document, its characteristics, difference between document and record, difference between document and information, documentation, complete cycle system and in the last Current Awareness Service (CAS) and SDI Selective Dissemination of Information(SDI). At a galance this article includes :
- · What is document
- · Characteristics of document
- · Documentation is a complete cycle system
- · Difference between document and information
- · Difference between document and record
- · What is documentation
- · Types of documentation - Active and Passive
- · Documentation service
- · Types of Documentation service
- · Current awareness service
- · Kinds of CAS
- · Aim purpose of CAS
- · Factor for influencing CAS
- · Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI)
According to Wikipedia The word document originates from the Latin Documentum, which denotes a "teaching" or "lesson".
According to Suzanne Briet "any concrete or symbolic indication, preserved or recorded, for reconstructing or for proving a phenomenon, whether physical or mental.
According to Computer Hope,‘’A document or document file is a description of an electronic copy or hard copy of reference material for a product. To write and create an electronic document on a computer, use a word processor or other text editor. Once a document is created, it can be made into a hard copy by printing it’’.
According to Cambridge Dictionary ‘’a paper or set of papers with written or printed information, especially of an official type:
· official/confidential/legal documents
· They are charged with using forged documents’’
According to Merriam Webster,‘’an original or official paper relied on as the basis, proof, or support of something’’
According to Dictonary.com ‘’a written or printed paper furnishing information or evidence, as a passport, deed, bill of sale, or bill of lading; a legal or official paper’’
According to ALA Glossary of Library term "Document is any written, printed, or otherwise recorded item or physical object that maybe serve as evidence of a transaction"
According to hans pluhn "Document is a systematic arrangement of fact, books, journals, papers, reports, etc are the example of the document"
So we can say that any kind of written, printed or engrave record of knowledge, experience or achievement is called a document.
Characteristics of document:
The characteristic features of a document of two broad types, Such as:
A. Physical Characteristics &
B. Intellectual or Inner Characteristics
These are now discussed below:
A. Physical Characteristics of Document:
Physical characteristics of a document define the physical layout of a document. Some of the physical characteristics of the documents are:
1. The Nature of the document:
Every document must have nature. The document could be in any form, i.e. printed, written, photocopy, slide, book, non-printed or audio-visual, etc.
2. The materials of the document:
The document contains materials, e.g. paper, clay, wood, iron sheet, stones, bricks, etc. These help to form a document,
3. Periodicity:
The document must have a periodic value. The document always not publishes, it's publishes from time to time. Even, to write a new document other documents help is needed.
4. Method of Publication:
A document should be published.
5. Production process:
The document should follow certain continuity process to be formed. Many people are engaged in creating a document, like authors, writers, editors, publishers, etc.
6. Size: A document should have a standard size.
7. Weight: Every document should weight because it's made of different materials
8. Physical Layout: A document should have a physical layout.
9. Presentation: A document should be well presented to draw user's attention.
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B. Intellectual/Inner characteristics of a document:
An intellectual characteristic of the document includes:
1. Life cycle: A document must have a life-cycle.Starting from draft it should maintain a cycle including submitting, library, edit, publish, etc.
2. Purpose: The document must have a purpose, that provides the necessary information.
3. Content: Good content should be enlisted to describe the usability of the main document
4. Author: The author should write a document. A document must have one or more authors.
5. Subject: A document should have a specific and meaningful subject matter when it is published.
6. Source: The document must have a source, that means where or how this information collected.
7. Accessibility: The document should be easy to use.
8. Writing Style: This document should follow the standard and specific writing style.
9. Structure: A document should have a structure that attracts the user and seek their attention.
10. Validity: this document should be valid for a specific time.
11. Production Process: The document should follow certain continuity process to be formed. Many people are engaged in creating a document, like authors, writers, editors, publishers, etc.
Documentation is a complete cycle system
Documentation is a Cycle Process:
According to Ralph R. Shaw documentation is a cycle process. He thinks that documentation is a complete cycle of information service. There are 8 steps to be a document. They are:
1. Identification,
2. Recording,
3. Organization,
4. Storage,
5. Recall,
6. Conversion,
7. Synthesis,
8. Dissemination.
These are described below elaborately:
1. Identification: Identification means to identify and select appropriate information for the user. The process of identification information of a document is-
· Catalog,
· Classification,
See also: Classification in Details.
· Bibliography,
· Descriptive bibliography,
· Subject bibliography,
· Indexing and Abstracting.
2. Recording: All the information is recorded for future use and research purpose. Recording consists of followings:
· Accessioning,
· Cataloging,
· Indexing,
· Bibliography, [Learn about bibliography in details]
· Classification.
3. Organization: Organizing all the information is very important. All the desired information should be organized systematically, so that we can easily able to find them. An organization can be done by:
· Assessing the extent/ amount of information.
· Identify the language of information and using appropriate language.
· Explaining the nature of the information.
· Evaluating publication quality.
· Presenting the quality of information.
4. Storage: For future use, the document should be stored systematically. The storage process might be done properly in two ways.
A. Ancient/traditional Library System:
· Acquisition.
· Accession.
· Cataloging.
· Classification.
· Indexing.
· Abstracting.
· Written call number.
· Bibliography.
· Typing.
· Shelf arrangement.
B. Modern System:
· Microfilm,
· Microfiche,
· Photocopy,
· Computer Catalogue,
· Magnetic tape,
· Magnetic Core,
· Magnetic Disk,
· Floppy Disk,
5. Recall: The document should be stored in such a way so that, users can easily retrieve them. To recall according to the demand for information, some methods are applicable.
· Catalog,
· Vertical Catalogue,
· Classification,
· Bibliography,
· Indexing.
6. Conversion: Documents are published in many forms, format and language. But most of the user does not have enough skill to read all document. To solve this problem, the librarian translates those materials in a user-friendly way.
Translation from one language to another.
Transforming language used in a document into another artificial language.
7. Synthesize: Synthesize means something made by combining different things. For this purpose, all the document should be synthesized so that the user can easily select the. For this we should follow this process:
· Content analysis,
· Recording the results,
· Vocabulary control,
· Question analysis.
8. Dissemination: Dissemination of information is the main purpose of documentation. The main duty of a documentalist is to provide the document at the hand of the user within a minimum cost. For this use some medium:
· Computer,
· Tele-printer,
· Telephone.
· Postal services,
· Fax,
· News-clipping service,
· Reference service, etc.
Difference between Document and information
Document | Information |
The document is written or printed paper or record. | Information is something that’s are collected from data. |
The document should have an author. | Information without authorship is possible / may also exists. |
Information enriches a document. | The document contains a lot of information. |
The document has nature. | Information also has nature but they are different. |
The document always is factual. | Information is not always factual. |
A document always should be presented logically. | Information should not be always presented logically. |
The document contains only a little information. | The information contains a vast amount of knowledge. |
Document use materials. | It doesn’t use materials. |
It has size and weight. | The information does not have size and weight. |
It must be published or written. | It may or may not published. |
The document contains the production process and periodicity. | The information doesn’t contain these contents. |
Difference Between Document and Record
Document | Record |
The document is a piece of written, printed, or electronic matter that provides information. | Record a piece of evidence about the past, especially an account kept in writing or some other permanent form. |
The document can be revised and edited. | The record cannot be revised or edited. |
Documents do not act as evidence. | Records act as evidence. |
Documents may be saved for a short period. | Records are saved for a long time. |
The word ‘Documentation’ derived from Document meaning official paper. Document means material that provides official information or evidence or that serves as a record.
The connotational meaning of documentation is the processing of information or document.
Documentation is the process by which the documents are ready to use in a stratified way i.e. the process of classifying and annotating texts, photographs, etc.
Documentation is a set of documents provided on paper or online or digital or analog media, such as, audiotapes or CDs.
Professionals educated in this field are termed documentalists. This field is best known as Information Service.
Documentation is a process by which we brought together, classified and distributed all documents of all kinds of all the areas of human activity.
Documentation is the art of collecting classifying and making readily accessible the records of all intellectual activity. (S.C. Braclford – 1948)
Types of Documentation:
There are two types of documentation, they are:
1. Active Documentation.
2. Passive Documentation.
Now they are described below.
1. Active Documentation: Active documentation is an activity done inside the archives or library. This kind of in-house activity helps to know/ understand what kind of collections are acquisitions are there in the library.
This type of work is called Active Documentation or documentation work. e.g. A librarian creates an index, abstracting, bibliography, catalog so that the user gets their required need and these activities are done in the absence of the information users.
The activity is done in active documentation are:
· Abstracting Service.
· Indexing Service.
· Subject Bibliography.
· Classified Cataloguing.
· Review Digest.
· Translation service.
· Current Awareness Service (CAS).
· Selective Dissemination of Information (SDI) service.
2. Passive Documentation:
Passive documentation is a service that is done in the presence of the user.
Passive documentation contains:
I. Literature search and preparation of the reading list.
II. Location of documents.
III. Document procurement.
IV. Location of translation.
V. Preparation of copies of documents.
Documentation Services:
It is a process of reproducing any available material and making it available to readers. It includes documentation lists, reprographic services, translation services, Union catalog, and reference service.
Due to the large production of books and a large number of authors as well as a large number of Academic Research Institutions, team research and lastly the development of libraries has caused the introduction of documentation service.
Documentation has its origin in itself. Dr. Ranganathan used the document as recorded thoughts, embodied thoughts, expressed thoughts and formed as Conventional documents, Micro-documents, Non-conventional documents, and Meta-documents.
Documentation service is a process of reproducing any available material and making it available to readers.
Documentation service includes the document lists, reprographic service which means the reproduction of reading material on-demand in the form of micro-film, micro-card, microfiche and micro prints, translation services in various languages, Adhoc bibliographies, Union catalog service, and reference service.
Types of Documentation Service
There are two types of documentation services.
1. CAS -Current Awareness service
2. SDI- Selective Dissemination of Information
Let me explain the two terms.
1. Current Awareness Service (CAS)
CAS is a device of the information system through which the users of information can be informed promptly, as soon as possible after publications. Dissemination of information that will keep its users well-informed and up-to-date in their fields of basic interest as well as in related subjects is called Current Awareness Service.
Definition of CAS :
According to B.C. Vickery- "CAS is more frequently and more adequately met by circulation than by retrieval, current journals, newly received book, and report, abstract bulletins and the like being fed to and scanned by users."
Hamilton defines CAS as a service which provides the recipient with information on the latest developments within the subject areas in which he or she has a specific interest or need to know.
Because of the above, CAS is a direct link between the user and the communicator through communication system or communication devices. This system or device is called the Current Awareness Service.
Kinds / Categories of CAS
Two kinds of Current Awareness Services may be recognized.
They are:
a) Those services, which are directed towards individuals or groups of users. These may include communication of information to individuals or groups through informal conversation or via telephone, message sent on notification form, SDI, selective of dissemination of documents, routing of periodicals (or automatic loan) and other documents. In this field, the information supplied within a period of one week to one month.
b) Those services, which are directed towards all users of the services, these may include accession list (a list of recent acquisitions), bibliography, indexing and abstracting services, bibliographic surveys, literature surveys, table of contents of periodicals received in the library, Current Awareness bulletin, etc.
In this field, the information supplied daily or within a period of one week.
From above we can summarize CAS types as:
1. List of Additions/Current additions to the Library
2. Current Awareness List/Bulletin
3. Current Contents/TOC (Table of contents)
4. Research in Progress
5. Employment Opportunities
6. Forthcoming Events List
2. Aim/purpose of CAS:
I. To aware of the scientists/users with the latest developments in their subject fields.
II. To keep the clientele well-informed and up-to-date knowledge of the latest development in their fields of research.
III. To fulfill the current demand of the users.
3. Characteristics of CAS
Characteristics of CAS are enumerated as follows
i. Visual channel:
There is a visual channel for the user to know the current developments
a. Information obtained orally from colleagues.
b. Information gathered through attending meetings and conferences and getting information in both a formal and informal ways.
ii. Literature channel:
a. Scanning of current issues of periodicals.
b. A regular perusal of abstracting and indexing periodicals in one's subject fields.
c. In some cases reviews and monographs are also consulted.
iii. Formal channel (Current channel):
a. A regular perusal of current issues of periodicals.
b. Current issues of abstracting and indexing periodicals.
c. Maintaining profiles (personal files of the users)
d. A CAS is an announcement mechanism usually in documentary form.
e. It is designed to meet the current approach to information.
f. Speed and timeliness are the essence of CAS.
g. CAS is a perishable commodity.
4. Factors influencing CAS:
1. Current Approach:
It is necessary for every in formator to keep himself known with the current literature or the latest development of the subject. He must know all the important areas as soon as published or generated.
2. Continuous need:
CAS is very much required where there is a continuous need for current affairs and developments by the user.
3. Direct demand:
For many issues the user may not be immediately interested but some of the references may be demanded by him at any moment.
For such needs some of the references are recorded in his diary or personal file kept with the library or information, so that when to need arises they may be supplied with the latest developments.
5. Steps in CAS:
The steps in the provision of CAS are bellowed:
1. Review or scan documents immediately upon receipt.
2. Select information and record individual documents pertinent to the
program of the individuals or groups of the organization being served. This may be done by comparing the documents/information with the needs of users being served.
3. Send notification to the users about items or information of interest to them.
So CAS is the best way to bring the resources of a library to the notice of its users. Before starting CAS, it is a must to ensure the availability of required resources (personnel, equipment, material and finance) and their continuance in the future.
The success of current awareness services would largely depend upon enthusiasm, Knowledge, and resourcefulness of the librarian, response from the users and organization of the library. An effective CAS service is the best media for the publicity of a library/information center.
SDI -Selective dissemination of information
In the Current Awareness Services, users with varying interests are supposed to find out the relevant information depending on their choice and interest.
Therefore, a need is felt to devise a mechanism in the information system to decide quickly the relevance of each document from each user's interest.
Later, such a mechanism has been devised and first introduced by H. Peter Luhn in 1958, who named this device as 'SDI' service.
Definition of the term 'SDI'
(SDI is a service that not only serves current information but also totally is user-oriented. When CAS is rendered or offered to an individual users on his specific demand, it involves the working of Selective Dissemination of Information System.
SDI is an idea to make the current awareness service a use oriented one by offering it at the individual level of selected items and is restricted to every users area of interest)
Luhn defines SDI as a service within an organization which concerns itself with the channeling of a new item of information, from whatever sources to those clients within the organization where the probability of usefulness in connection with current work or interest is high.
Dr. 5. R. Ranganathan defines SDI as a documentation list on a specific topic anticipated to engage the attention of the member of the parent body.
Videten defines SDI as a method of providing personal current awareness information to individuals or groups.
Steps in SDI: The steps in providing SDI services are the same as that of CAS, the difference is only in the depth of the interest. So, the steps involved in SDI may be of the following types
A. Creation of User Profile: The profiles of the user, who are to be given CAS service, are prepared. A profile may consist of the following fields and can be noted down in a database or Microsoft Excel sheet.
I. Name
II. Designation
III. Subject
IV. Keywords that collectively characterize the subject interest of an individual.
V. Email Id
VI. Mobile Number
VII. Fax
VIII. Complete postal address, etc
The first four fields will identify the person and the last four fields will be used to deliver the CAS to the user.
The profile can be of a single user or a group working on the same project or some limited subject field. The profile obtained thus must be kept up-to-date. Therefore, if the topic of interest changes then the corresponding profile must also be modified accordingly.
In some organizations, the interest profile was much more than a simple list of keywords.
Librarians or information professionals conducted extensive interviews with their clients to establish a fairly complex profile for each individual.
B. Acquisition of Resources:
The different sources of information, periodicals, research papers, which are relevant to the parent body, must be selected and collected from different sources.
In the next step, through rapid reading the resources are scanned by the LIS professionals to find out the key concepts.
C. Creation of Document Profile:
The relevant and significant information is recorded in the form of a content list for different contexts. The recorded information may be in the form of an abstract or an extract.
Depending upon the significance of the document, the bibliographical details and indexing terms and the information itself are stored on the file / magnetic tape/computer document.
D. Matching Profile:
In a regular interval, the user profile should be correlated or matched with the document profile.
The computer compares the two inputs; the output is printed out in the form of two cards.
One card is called information card that contains either the list of the document or the information itself along with bibliographical details of the document which also has a tear-off strip request note. The other card is called a response card.
E. Notification / Information Communication:
If there exists any matching between the two profiles then the matching information is sent to the user or group of users, who may require it, through different means of communication in anticipation, like telephone calls, postal mail/email / SMS with a request to call at the reference desk to get the pertinent information.
In the case of postal communication, the two cards are sent to the user. The information can also be sent through a messenger.
F. Feedback Mechanism:
The user keeps the information card for his use. In case he wants to consult the document, he tears off the request note strip and sends it to the library along with the response card, in which he indicates the degree of interest in the particular document.
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G. Library Action:
The library takes action on the request note strip to send the document(s) to the concerned user or to keep it in the library for him.
The response card helps the library to know about the usefulness of the information provided as well as the shift in the information need.
The library accordingly modifies the user profile page for improving performance.
So SDI refers to tools and resources used to keep a user informed of new resources on specified topics. Contemporary analogous systems for SDI services include alerts, current awareness tools or trackers.
These systems provide automated searches that inform the user of the availability of new resources meeting the user's specified keywords and search parameters.
Alerts can be received in a number of ways, including email, RSS feeds, voice mail, Instant messaging, and text messaging.
Conclusion: In the end postion we can say, Documentation help ensure consent and expectations. It helps to tell the narrative for decisions made, and how yourself or the client responded to different situations. In this same manor, it is important to record information that can help support the proper treatment plan and the reasoning for such services
And in the end document and documentation are very much needed for knowledge seekers. So, every document should be correct and UpToDate.
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